Project NatureED

Our Vision

The level of biodiversity loss is identified though the sheer number of extinctions on the planet. The vast and rapid urbanization of Luxembourg brings this planetary boundary to the forefront of discussions on social innovation and sustainable development.

This peer group has developed a project for the co-design and implementation of a specific plot of land in Kirchberg in order to enhance biodiversity and human well-being. In line with their personal convictions and professional backgrounds, the group members agreed to give the project a strong educational character, with an initial direct link to the students of the European School Luxembourg I (EEL) who are based in close proximity to the plot of land.

Our vision for the plot is to create an inviting and inspiring space for learning. Nearby schools, camps, teams and groups within the community will have access to the space for lessons in biodiversity, didactic and recreational activities. The goal is to expose everyone on site to the environment and biodiversity and inspire them to engage with it further. A didactic toolkit will be created, that serves to invite learners of all ages to connect with nature through experiential learning that emphasizes the importance of biodiversity and pollinators.

» Explore our didactic toolkit here!

The project in a nutshell

The project site

Park Central in Kirchberg area is a well used park by many community members and thanks to the hard work and attention of the commune and Thierry Helminger (biologist at MHNH), many hardy trees and shrubs from Europe and adjacent regions have been integrated in the park, aiming for a most complete collection of trees and shrubs from Europe.

The Group plans to use the existing biodiversity as a learning ground and laboratory to explore and better understand our connections with nature. By adding small wooden infrastructure, information panels and a welcoming environment for both pollinators and people to gather, the space becomes a source of inspiration and education.

The outdoor learning space

Using all natural products such as tree stumps or large boulders, straw and easy to recycle materials, an all-embracing architecture will serve as an outdoor classroom for students from all Luxembourgish schools. The placement of the classroom would further be conducive to socializing for all park users. Those living and working in the Kirchberg district could use the space for outdoor gatherings and events.

The didactic toolkit

To facilitate engagement and increase awareness of local society, especially children, youth or students about the role of biodiversity in the city ecosystem, the didactic tools will create learning opportunities through detailed activity descriptions. Through theoretical (informative panels infrastructure) and empirical experience through sub-projects, these ready-made outdoor scenarios, lesson plans and materials will be made available for teachers and other interested educators.

About Peer Group Projects

The Project NatureED is a peer group project from the „Certificate in Sustainable Development and Innovation“ by Ariane König at the University of Luxembourg.


Peer groups are an experimental field for bridging the gap between academic literature and theory encountered in the course and practical problems of salience to Luxembourg (uncertain, unique, situated, and in some areas contested or contradictory).


Peer groups also allow to practice engaging in a social learning process in small and diverse groups, as you would if you were to mount a citizen initiative on a sustainability challenge in which you have a stake.


Peer group work is self-organized, it is planned in peer group meetings that are scheduled by the peer group participants when convenient for them, and each peer group has a mentor who provides advice and joins meetings as needed.

Partners and Guidance

Given its complexity and multi-level characteristics, the project entails a number of external stakeholders that will likely have a diverse range of interests and expectations. Below, we provide an outline of all the relevant entities and individuals that were identified to play a role in the proposed project:


Our Peer Group was mentored and guided by Catherine Gonner from the „Nature and Forest Agency“ (ANF) Luxembourg, with expertise on biodiversity and nature conservation. As the project is part of the „Certificate in Sustainable Innovation and Development“, Ariane König is also on hand, to offer advice and guidance.


The „Fond Kirchberg“ is the owner of the site and provides us with the authorization to use the site as well as the necessary funding to implement planned installations.


The National Museum of Natural History with Thierry Helminger helps us with all questions about the Kirchberg Arboretum and also provides expertise in the fields of biodiversity, biology and didactics.


Furthermore, we work together with the St. Georges School and the European School. St Georges already has experience in the implementation of an outdoor classroom, the european school offers due to its proximity the possibility to implement first didactic projects but also implementation projects. The goal is to make the outdoor learning space a permanent part of the education at the European School.


The NatueED project report


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