Sinan Kaassamani

Doctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg


sustainability, circularity, buildings, green concrete, sustainable resources, construction, built environment, circular economy policy


I am a researcher passionate about the intersection of engineering and sustainability and working on ways to create a better future for the built environment. I hold an MSc. degree in engineering and an MBA in Finance. I have worked in the construction industry with large infrastructure projects in my portfolio in Brazil as well as in the finance sector in Luxembourg before joining back academia in 2020 to start my PhD.

My research is related to circularity of building materials and green cement where we tested many waste materials from the Greater Region for use as clinker substitutes in cement, and most recently working on sustainability policy in the construction sector through an interdisciplinary lens. I have also contributed to talks and lectures on construction materials, life cycle analysis, and circularity in the bulti environment during the last two years.

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